Clamp with Monitor
Description The Output is fixed to the appropriate clamp value when the input is algebraically outside of the range of the upper and lower clamps. The Clamping Output activates when either of the clamps is being applied.

Input Output Clamping Output
Lower Clamp < Input < Upper Clamp Input Not Clamping (0)
Input < Lower Clamp Lower Clamp Clamping (1)
Input > Upper Clamp Upper Clamp Clamping (1)

If the Lower Clamp exceeds the Upper Clamp, the Output will be equal to the Upper Clamp.

  • Requires library: Process Control (option -05)
  • Firmware versions 0x1007 and later
savvy-SFD Graphic clampMonitored
Graphic with Parameters clampMonitored


Input Input, Read-write, Analog (signed 16-bit integer)
-327.67 % to 327.67 %
Upper Clamp Input, Read-write, Analog (signed 16-bit integer)
-327.67 % to 327.67 %
Lower Clamp Input, Read-write, Analog (signed 16-bit integer)
-327.67 % to 327.67 %
Output Output, Read-only, Analog (signed 16-bit integer)
-327.67 % to 327.67 %
Clamping Output Output, Read-only, Boolean (signed 16-bit integer)
0 = Not Clamping
1 = Clamping